Coffee Time News
Coffee Time News proudly presents our readers to violin virtuoso Mr. Joe Deninzon. We were fortunate enough to have made his acquaintance and the resulting interview proved a surprise to us as we discovered just how deep of a mark he has made in the music industry. Please click and enjoy an interview full of great information along with a lot of music and video clips. We thank Mr. Deninzon for his time and graciousness.
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「基本的に、本を表紙で判断することはできないことを理解しました. つまり、人々を意味します. 人々はいつもあなたを驚かせることを知っています。"
"Sometimes you get your heart set on something and then it doesn't work out and later on you say it was the best result anyway."
"Spending time making music with your bandmates knowing that it isn't going to be commercial or popular or even entertaining is in its own way political."
"You're like family touring, but you go your separate ways. You make the best of it while you got it.
Music is always going to be there, but you never know if family or people... you never know who's going to come and who's going to go. I think it's important to just be or try to be present when you're with the people you love.
"As I get older, I don't hold on so tight.
It doesn't have to be so precious.
It doesn't have to be perfect."
"I've had that kind of success that you can have as a young person and it's great and I'm glad I survived it and I'm glad I still being creative and be able to talk to people like you."
"It's not business. It's cathartic for me. And it's like painting, I add colors as I go along and at the end of it I'm amazed that I have something people like yourself enjoy and that's the biggest gift for me.
"Formal education is cool, but a good portion of street savvy helps your creativity and adjusts your personality and attitude, because you're dealing with real everyday things."
Think about it! Thirty years later
we travelled five thousand miles from Seattle to Portugal, to discover something new, musical influences from half a world away.
"It's good to take some time occasionally, or even every time you're practicing, to bust it out to see what you've got in your arsenal.
"There's nothing like travelling away from the United States and going to a foreign country. There's a saying that a prophet is never accepted in his own home."